Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope everyone is having safe and happy holidays so far!

Here is an updated pic of puppies! They are so cute, and starting to eat dog chow. I noticed the other day that they were trying to eat Mom's food(she wasn't having any of that!) so I got them some puppy chow yesterday at walmart. I softened it with milk and they LOVED it! Soon it will be time for them to have new homes~

Can you believe that we had a thunderstorm last night? lol Crazy weather and it's not just here in Oklahoma either, it seems to be everywhere. I'm just so glad that we don't have all the snow and ice everyone else is getting dumped on them~

So far I'm sticking with the stitchy plan, I actually weeded out one project. I decided that I couldn't stand the colors of Vermillion's Christmas cat ornaments, they are really bright and I've been having too many irritating feelings towards finishing them so I just got rid of it. I'm sure that I can find someone who wants the chart who will actually stitch and enjoy them cuz I'm sure not lol Too many other things to stitch that I like~

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