Here is The Pack, by Janlynn. I started this one 12/01/06 and I figure it's about time I got serious about finishing it up as there are so many other wolves I want to stitch. I'm feeling a little out of control with the number if wip's I have (about a dozen or so) Most of them are haed's though and I think they should be counted as "lifer's", not wip's lol!
The weather here in Oklahoma has turned hot, almost 100 degrees the last few days. I feel grateful that it waited until mid-July to get so hot-I remember a few years back when the 100 degree temps started arriving in May~
Not much else is going on in my little world right at the moment. This weekend dh and his dad are going to finally finish fixing the bathroom floor. Never seen such procrastination in my life, this has been an ongoing project for about 2 months now. Who knew a tiny little bathroom floor could cause so much trouble, insert eyeroll here. I'm a little out of patience with the whole situation, to tell you the truth~oh well, that's life huh