Friday, February 27, 2009

a small "finished finish" lol

Here is a small angel freebie I did awhile back, finished into a pinkeep. It's stitched with Vicki Clayton hdf on 28 count evenweave fabric. This is my second time making a pinkeep and I'm very pleased with this one. Remembered to take a pic of the back this time lol!
I've been stitching on HAED'S pirate dragon freebie, I'm almost finished with it. Naturally since I'm so close to finishing I keep running out of floss. Hopefully I'll have him finished and ready for his picture to be taken soon~hugs

Friday, February 20, 2009

first sign of spring!

Here is the first daffodil of spring!! My daughter was playing outside today and found it, isn't it gorgeous?! I've noticed for the past few days that the birds are singing again, a maple tree in our front yard is blooming as well and was full of bees yesterday! Yayy, spring is a-coming!
and in honor of spring, I've decided to work on this ufo-it's called Gathering and it's by Marjolein Bastin. It's been a ufo for awhile now, I don't know why, guess I just got bored with it. Hopefully I can make a lot of progress on it this go around~;)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a crochet finish

Here is an afghan I finished up recently, it's called Rainbow Round and it is from the Leisure Arts book called Artsy afghans. I did it in I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby which is super-soft and easy to work with. It turned out really well, if small. More a lapghan than a full-size afghan. The pattern was fairly easy to do, but it was easy to get lost counting in the rows. Now I'm working on one called Granny's Ripple, also in the same brand yarn~hugs

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Daytona 500

Well, what can I say? To Matt Kenseth-yayyy Congrats on winning, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! To Brian Vickers-sucks to be you, have you forgotten Talledega? I haven't, and even though Dale Jr says it was an accident, you had it coming. To Vile Kyle-really sucks to be you, I'm still chuckling as I think of your squished up car-thought about making a screensaver out of it but decided it would seriously mess up my computer. And most importantly-Dale jr, I'm still proud to be your fan and am looking forward to next week!
Other than that, the race was extremely boring. Kinda just blah~lol

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jennifer Rardin/Another One Bites the Dust

In their latest mission, Jaz and Vayl are sent to kill an ancient Chinese vamp who’s stolen a vital piece of biotechnology. The catch? They’re undercover as street performers…and Jaz has to bellydance
This was a good read, Jennifer Rardin is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. Now I have to be patient and wait to get to Barnes & Noble for the next 2 installments in the series, I'm behind!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

the Bud shoot-out

Congratulations to Kevin Harvick on winning the Budwieser shoot-out! It was an exciting race, Jr did well even though he got caught up in a crash towards the end :( I was hoping Jeff Gordon would win after that but didn't happen. The nascar season is back in action, all is well in my little world! lol hugs

Thursday, February 5, 2009

and here's the pictures!

Here she is in all her splendor!
And here's a closeup of her beads & face.
If I remember correctly, this was my first
time stitching 1x1. I like the 1x1 on the face better
than 2x2, more details~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

fairy dreams is finished!

Yay me! I finished fairy dreams tonight, woohoo!! Another long-time wip bites the dust. I still don't have any batteries in my camera but should get some tomorrow, so no pic yet :(
It is such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment to finish something so large, I don't know what I will be stitching on next. I'm thinking of doing haed's pirate dragon freebie. It's such a cute design and I've had my eye on him for awhile now. Actually I've already printed him out and he's sitting here on my desk staring at me-stitch me, stitch me he says! So I think I shall, and completely ignore my new years resolutions of no new starts until I finish the old ones. But honestly, did you think I could resist starting new ones?! I do have startitis and it's not curable. You can only treat the symptoms, with new starts~lol, hugs, Christine